Sunday, March 8, 2009

This Afternoon

We did make it down the to Wu-Mart - it was more of grocery store - our big adventure it trying to cross the streets - the traffic is hectic and everyone honks at everyone else - then there are the many, many, many bikes - they just go where they want - whip around corners and fly down the road not obeying any traffic laws. You watch for the lights and the cars to stop then your almost wiped out by a bike - you can just sit and watch the traffic and be amazed that there are no accidents - somehow it seems to work here - jay-walking seems to be the norm as well - we decided to wait for the lights and go with the large groups crossing. We took in a local sight this afternoon. It's called the Lama Temple - it seemed to be a series of temples - the people buy large amounts of inscents, go to each temple and burn them and pray, then move onto the next one. This is the entrance gate:

Then there was this long walkway lined with trees - it must look beautiful when the leaves are on the trees - today was a nice spring weather day - we went out this afternoon and didn't need our jackets

The next few pictures are of the buildings - all the buildings seemed to be either a main temple or a smaller temple specific to a teaching, mathematics, medicine where the lama studied - they still had statues in the buildings for prayer and people were praying in all the buildings except a couple that were set up as museum exhibits.

We saw this little cupboard outside one of the temples - it actually says on it - Fire-fighting Equipment - it caught our eye because all that seemed to be in there were buckets and axes.


  1. Wow! One of the first things I thought of this morning was when we wake up tomorrow you'll have Sarah in your arms!! Wheee!!! So excited for you!

    Hoping by not you're tucked away for the night and sleeping even a little as you anticipate flying to her province and meeting her tomorrow!!!

    Great pictures! It's neat to see what you've been able to do so far. I'm guessing Wes is happy for the fire fighting equipment he has at home rather than axes and buckets.

    Praying for you as you prepare to meet Sarah and I'll be setting my alarm to pray for you tomorrow morning. Do you have a general time you are going to meet her?

    Love you friend SO happy for you!!

  2. Yay - glad you made it safe and sound . . . you're so closer to having Sarah in your arms now! Can't wait to see more pictures! :)


  3. Oh, it is wonderful that you are there experiencing all of this... I am so excited to see pictures of you holding your baby girl!
