There was a slight change in plans for today. We still did our paperwork for the Canadian Consult - they had to take Sarah's picture for her passport and then, if you wanted you could buy an additional photo package with traditional dress. We tried to get some pictures taken but Sarah doesn't like a lot of crowds and she doesn't like us not to hold her or sit on our knee, especially outside our hotel room. As you can imagine taking her picture was going to be a challenge. Firstly, she like to have something in her hands and her choice toys right now seem to be her diaper cream and baby power, so her lovely pictures have her holding them - we managed for the 2nd set of three to exchange them for another toy - but no smiles. Instead of the Zoo, they changed the plans and this afternoon we went to the Summer Palace and silk factory. Here are some of the pictures at the summer palace - it seemed to be a series of courtyards that passed into each other. As you are able to see - it was incredibly crowed and trying to get from one courtyard to the next was a bit of a challenge at times for the group as many of us have strollers and there are lots of steps up and down between the courtyards with tons of people trying to get through.

- it's also along a lake and had some beautiful scenery.

It also has the longest corridor - which runs outside along the lakefront and is covered with very detailed painted ceilings.

Sarah again was as good as gold - she doesn't seem to mind her stroller - here's Sarah and Daddy at the Summer Palace. Considering she doesn't like crowds (already like her Daddy) and no afternoon nap (just about 20 mins on the bus) she did amazingly well. We don't know what we've done to deserve such a perfect baby.

At the silk factory they gave us a brief tour and explained how the silk was made, as well as the life cycle of the silk worm - very interesting.

We were also able to pick up some items at the store at the factory - luckily - or unluckily for Wes - they take Visa. Sarah is just improving more and more each day - by the time we were coming back on the bus she was laughing and playing and even smiling at other people - up until now if we are out and someone talks to her she just goes into staring mode but not on the way home - she was just so relaxed and having a great time. When we got back to the hotel she was walking around the room on her own with no problems - she hadn't really ventured from the coffee table without taking one of us with her - but not tonight she was all over the place - we couldn't be more happy with her progress. Unless plans change tomorrow - we have an early call - ready for the bus by 8:30am - we go see the Great Wall, visit the Jade factory and in the afternoon we go to copper factory and drive by the Olympic Statium.