Our Sarah has been a very busy girl these days - as you can see she loves her phones - sometimes she has two going at once but it seems that Mommy's cell phone works best - she takes her phone calls very seriously - we are thinking that she is talking to her broker in these pictures - buy, sell - order new baby CD's - remembering to charge to Daddy's credit card.

Today though, she was helping Daddy plant his favourite flowers - gladiolas. it was a nice day and it took some persuasion but when I mentioned that it was best to be very helpful with Daddy before he gets his credit card bill with all her baby CD charges - she decided to help out.

Janice and Rachael were a big help with our garden this year - it's a new garden and we had nothing in it but weeds - a couple of weekends ago they came over on a beautiful Saturday and dug up all our garden, weeded it, then Wes went and got some topsoil to fill it in. Janice had split a lot of her perennials and brought them over and then she and Rachael planted them all for us - what a huge help!!!! There is no way I would have the garden so far along without their help -thanks so much!
love the pose - she really does have a joyful and happy personality - i am thinking she might be a bit of an actor! look our hollywood - here comes the empress!