I got up this morning and Wes had left this beautiful basket of flowers for me before he went off for work - there was also a card from Sarah that she had signed and a card from Wes. A nice way to start off the day.
I also received some lovely "First" Mother's Day surprises from my friends and family - thanks so much, Laura, Gayle, Dayna and Heather.
Last night Grandma, Sarah and I attended the Waiting Mommies dinner - this was Sarah's first time to the dinner as the previous one was held during our visit to China. This is a wonderful group of women who are all at some process of adoption - we meet every other month for dinner. In honour of Mother's day - siblings and Grandmothers were invited. Sarah was so well behaved, ate a big dinner and played with Grandma and sat so well - here she is building another one of her towers with the creamers.
Over the last week we have been enjoying different things - here Sarah is enjoying playing with water.
Sarah is also loves Mommies old purse and especially her car keys - she didn't exactly say were she was off to but it couldn't have been too far as she had taken her socks off once again - but she does seem to be ready to head out to the car.
happy first mother's day - and I think that Sarah is off to see her broker in the last photo's - maybe that is why she was on the phone with him the other day before planting - she needed to book an appointment!