Today we had to take Bear to the vets for his annual visit. Bear did well and we are waiting for some blood test results just to make sure everything is okay with him as he is getting older. When we took Sarah to the Dr.'s about her cold she was very interested in the Dr.'s stethoscope. She actually helped herself and the Dr. let her run around the room with it for a while - she popped it around the back of her neck like the Dr. had it - very cute. She was also quite reluctant to give it up when we were leaving. We didn't think much more about it until today at the Vets office. She again was interested in the Dr.'s stethoscope and after he examined Bear he made the mistake of getting down on Sarah's level and close enough for her to help herself to his stethoscope. He let her have it and she immediately walked over to Bear and started to examine him exactly like the vet had - Bear was not impressed since he had already endured one exam and wasn't interested in a second one but he was patient. When we got home I dug out my old one I had from school and Sarah started her examinations right away - as you can see Bear was once again her first patient - she crouches down a bit as the vet was listening on Bears side so Sarah has to try and get the same spot. She hasn't quite got the ear piece down - they are too tight for her to put in her ears but that's isn't going to stop the examination.

No one was spared as Brandy also had to get an exam - she didn't make herself too available. Bear is quite relieve in the background that Sarah has a new patient.

Once all the examinations were done for the time being - Sarah had some lunch and finished with the traditional bowl on the head - we had a hard time getting the shot since Sarah thought it was really funny to put it on her head then let it slide off but you kind of get the general idea.

Don't think the examinations are finished - Sarah proceed to play with the stethoscope the rest of the day on and off - I guess we will have to invest in a children's Dr.'s kit and we better start saving for either veterinarian or medical school. Here is Sarah in the traditional Dr. with stethoscope pose.
Gotta love her persistance! I tell you, if she ever goes into the medical field that last pic will be priceless beside her grad pic! :o)
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome story! I bought my grandson on of those child kits and it was a HUGE hit! Great Pics!
ReplyDeleteprecious!! Sarah looks wonderful.
ReplyDeleteSo cute. I'm glad the pets were somewhat cooperative. It's a sign of what's in store for them!
ReplyDeleteSarah looks beatiful!
ReplyDeleteMiss you Sarah:)
Becky(guide in Guangzhou,China)
but bear is only 7 - that isn't old!
ReplyDeleteyou have a real doctor in the making - i am so happy to see that Sarah is enjoying her family so much - can't wait to do the family photo's