On Thursday we had to go to the hospital to get some blood work done for Sarah - we kind of knew it was not going to be fun for her. It wasn't a nice day - raining and Wes drove us over and let us out at the door - we had made an appointment so they were expecting us. Wes went to park the car and Sarah and I went up - they took us right away, which was nice to not have to wait. They said they do small children regularly. They had me put Sarah on the bed since it is safer - well that's when the tears started and they just got louder and stronger through the entire procedure. She was quite the fighter - kicking the one technician while she was holding her - I held her as close as I could to try and make her feel more comfortable but she wasn't going to fall for that one - sometimes we think she is too smart for her own good. They went as quickly as they could and were able to get the samples they needed and we were all done by the time Daddy made it up. We stopped off at Timmies in the lobby and a donut made the day all better for her and the procedure was soon forgotten.
The cats seem to really like Sarah - we don't know why as she is quite rough with them and we always have to remind her to be gentle as she pokes them in the nose and eyes and squeezes the life out of them - but they seem to come back for more - although I've noticed that Brandy is for the most part keeping a safe distance from her. Brandy seems to prefer to spend quality time with Sarah when she is napping - then they are the best of friends.
Our Sarah does like her music and does love to dance although she doesn't let us catch her on film very easily but we did manage to get a short video of her dancing abilities.
Laura and Grandma stopped by yesterday and Grandma brought lunch for us since we are still down with colds. Sarah ate all her chippies but took a long time to do it. She was quite the entertainer and Laura seems to be able to bring her out of her shell quite quickly and it's not long before she is showing off for her. She even waved by and gave Laura a kiss and then blew her a kiss when she left, poor Grandma only got a blowing kiss. It was such a nice visit on an otherwise cold and rainy day.
I'm glad the blood tests went well. No one likes getting needles and blood taken, especially babies... especially when everything is still so new.
ReplyDeleteAnd the dancing is pretty darn cute.
Blood tests = yucky!
ReplyDeleteDancing = fun!
Napping with kitty = adorable!!