Sunday, October 25, 2009

We're Home From the Hospital

We are all home safe and sound. This was a little longer stay than last time - but Sarah is doing very well. She came through the surgery well - her first night was a bit uncomfortable but the doctors increased her pain medication in the morning and she felt much better. Sarah seemed to have more post operative pain this time but the nurses and doctors worked very hard to keep it under control and as comfortable as possible. Our stay at Sick Kids was a bit longer than we had first thought but we felt better staying the extra time to make sure everything was going well. Sarah gave them a bit of trouble right after surgery - her heart rate and blood pressure was up more than they would have liked and she wasn't keeping her oxygen levels up to where everyone was happy. She was eventually sent to her room with oxygen but she didn't need it for very long. The staff at Sick Kids was wonderful again and they couldn't have been more thoughtful and helpful. They even wrote on the white board in Sarah's room "Welcome Back Sarah" - there were even a couple of staff members who remembered Sarah from August. Daddy took all but the first night shift and let Mommy have the hotel room at night. Daddy would go back to the hotel in the morning for his sleep. After the first night Sarah slept through the night but the nurses kept waking Daddy up and the hospital is very noisy with all the activity going on so Daddy didn't get much sleep but it was great that we had the hotel room for Daddy to get some extra sleep. Everyone is tired but glad to be home - Sarah is eating and drinking well although she is definitely weak and tires easily so we will be taking it slow for the next few days for sure.


  1. Glad to hear that everything went well and you are all home now.

  2. So happy to hear you're home and that Sarah did so well! Have been thinking of you and praying for you.

    Love ya, Catherine...3 more sleeps!

  3. So glad our little princess is back home!

    can wait to see her for her first official Halloween this weekend too :)

    Auntie Heather

  4. so happy you are home and getting back on track - let us know when you are up to a playdate - ms reese keeps asking for Sarah and the Cars!

  5. So thankful to hear that Sarah's doing well. We know how hard it is to see your baby in pain (our eldest had a couple of procedures at Sick Kids that left him in a lot of pain). You guys sound like real troopers! Hopefully I'll see you (and Sarah?) sometime again soon - maybe at the Waiting Mommies dinner in January?!

  6. everything you ever dreamed.
