Happy Canada's Day Everyone,
We celebrated by heading out to the Oshawa Petting Zoo. This is a nice little zoo that is really close to us and Grandma joined us for some afternoon fun. Before you even go in there are some baby ducks and chicks that you can feed and actually stand in the pen. Sarah just wanted to point instead of going in.

Once we were in there were these cute
ring tailed animals - I can't remember most of the names of the animals that we saw but these guys were really cute and very gentle. Sarah wasn't that keen on feeding them directly but if you dropped the food
in between the wires they were very good at sticking their little hands through and fishing it out which Sarah seemed to really enjoy. There was a mother with her baby - she was very bossy about who was first in line.

Then it was off to the ducks - Sarah wasn't interested in the direct feeding of the animals but loved to look at them and direct Daddy, Mommy and Grandma to feed them on her behalf.

Sarah got a little braver with the sheep and she was able to throw the popcorn through the fence. The sheep started to get a little crazy as more and more joined in for some popcorn.

It wasn't a large zoo but it was very clean and spread out and for us it was the perfect size - they even have a little picnic area that would be great to bring lunch. Grandma was in charge of the popcorn and Sarah had to remind her to pass it over. Sarah liked to get the popcorn out of the bag then give it to Daddy to feed the animals.

With a lot of coaxing Sarah finally was brave enough to try petting the donkey - and the donkey seemed to enjoy it too.

Then it was off to see the pigs - we ended up coming along the side of their pen where there was only one pig - it wasn't long before there was two then a third one came trotting along to see what was going on. They were kind of funny the way they seemed to trot on over thinking they were possibly missing out on something.

Grandma seemed to like the goats the most. Here she is feeding the billy goat but it was the female that Grandma thought was the prettiest. The billy goat was very excited to get some popcorn and would climb up on the fence - Sarah was a little pooped out by this time and opted for the stroller but had no problem directing Grandma in the dishing out of the popcorn.

When we got back to the entrance area we were lucky enough to be there at the time they were bottle feeding the baby sheep and Sarah got to help feed them.

The calves got to have bottles as well and Sarah was front and centre for that as well.

She did step aside and let another little boy have a turn but I guess she felt he needed a bit of help and since she was now experienced - who else better to help out.

Once we were back at the entrance Sarah felt a bit more confident to get into the pen with the baby chicks and ducks while Daddy found out about the season passes. Grandma was still supplying the popcorn and keeping watch over some of the more pushy baby ducks.

What better way to finish off the afternoon at the zoo than with an
ice cream cone -Grandma bought all of us an
ice cream and Sarah really enjoyed
her's - well actually it was Daddy's as they were a little big but as you can see - Sarah took it over for a while before Daddy was allowed to finish it off.

This was a perfect sized zoo for us and I think we are going to enjoy going back again.
mommy and daddy! Sarah is doing so well - you can tell just how loved she is! she is so lucky to have such a great mommy and daddy and family.