As you can see Sarah had a great time, after I left, Christine and Sarah went back to the family room and she asked for Salsa Tots CD to be put on and she played with the other kids, finished her snack, listened to stories, danced and all around had a great time. No need for Mommy to be worried. She at least asked about me once and she was told I was at work and would be back soon and Sarah was good with that. We go again on Wednesday and the plan is that I will say goodbye at the door since Sarah seems so comfortable - the babysitter is literally in the next block with instructions to call if she seems distressed or disturbed or is crying and can't be comforted and distracted. It appears that the only one distressed or disturbed is Mommy but if my nerves keep up - at least I will have a very clean house on Monday's and Wednesday's.
Monday, January 18, 2010
As you can see Sarah had a great time, after I left, Christine and Sarah went back to the family room and she asked for Salsa Tots CD to be put on and she played with the other kids, finished her snack, listened to stories, danced and all around had a great time. No need for Mommy to be worried. She at least asked about me once and she was told I was at work and would be back soon and Sarah was good with that. We go again on Wednesday and the plan is that I will say goodbye at the door since Sarah seems so comfortable - the babysitter is literally in the next block with instructions to call if she seems distressed or disturbed or is crying and can't be comforted and distracted. It appears that the only one distressed or disturbed is Mommy but if my nerves keep up - at least I will have a very clean house on Monday's and Wednesday's.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
First Christmas
It was finally time for Sarah's nap - then off to Uncle Kevin and Aunt Heather's for dinner. Sarah was once again spoiled with lots of gifts.
Grandma and Poppa got a special gift this year - a framed picture of all the Grandchildren and Heather created a book of all the wonderful pictures taken at a photo shoot at Cullen Gardens by Heather's close friend Heather. Heather added captions on the page - very touching everyone had a tear in their eye after going through it - Grandma and Poppa were loved their gift
After a delicious dinner made by Auntie Heather and a bit more visit - it was time to go home. Uncle Kevin got Sarah changed into her jammies and got her new hat and mittens on.
Then it was time to say goodbye and thanks to everyone - Grandma got one more hug in before we left.
We all had a wonderful Christmas this year.
Grandma and Poppie Visit
Just before Christmas Grandma and Poppie came down for a visit - we all had a good time opening presents and enjoying a nice lunch and visit. Sarah was spoiled once again with some great gifts from Grandma and Poppie.