It's taken a few days to make this post - very tired these days. Here are some pictures from Sarah's first Halloween. Since it was so close to her surgery and we had a small complication a couple of days after we got home that now seems to be clearing up, we didn't want to over do Halloween. Our
neighbour who just adores Sarah came over in the morning and spoiled her with a treat bag which was full - Sarah emptied it - selected the small
Aero bar - opened it ( didn't know she could do that) ate it and put the wrapper in the garbage while we were enjoying a cup of tea - too cute. Anyway, we took her over for the
neighbour to see her in her costume after dinner and Sarah was selecting the colour of suckers she wanted. It didn't take her long to get the routine down.

Sarah was not really into carving the
pumpkin - Daddy opened it but he doesn't like to scoop so Sarah and Mommy scooped - well Sarah made it look good for the pictures but she didn't scoop - Mommy scooped.

Daddy did the carving and tried a new patter this year.

Sarah was willing to pose by the finished product - it seems that she approved of Daddy's handy work.

So it was off to trick or treating in the car - first stop - Uncle Greg's and Aunt Janice - Greg always has lots of interesting
pumpkins - this year they were created by Rachael and Liam.

Then it was off to Grandma and Papa's house were Sarah was spoiled with a lovely basket full of treats.

Then Grandma took Sarah around the a couple of

The last stop was Uncle Kevin and Auntie Heather's house. Sarah once again was spoiled with a huge loot bag which included a movie, socks, cars, cars book and of course smarties.

We also had to have a visit with Auntie Heather's
neighbour who was all dressed up and had a special treat for Sarah - you guessed it - a large box of Smarties.

A visit at Uncle Kevin and Aunt Heathers is not complete without a visit with Stumpy.

Then it was time to take a tired Sarah home - have a nice bath and bed time.
After a good nights sleep it was up and straight into checking out the Halloween loot.