I think Daddy had a good Birthday - Happy Birthday Daddy
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Happy Birthday Daddy
I think Daddy had a good Birthday - Happy Birthday Daddy
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Snow and Water Play
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Santa Visit and Parade
Kitty was all cleaned and ready to go as well - we decided to go on a Friday morning thinking that it wouldn't be busy and we got lucky - we went to the 5 Points mall and there was only one other family there. They were really good as they let us go up for a practise visit to see how Sarah would do - she wasn't to keen to sit on his knee but was willing to sit on the arm of the chair beside Santa - Santa said we could try for a picture and he would just lean in - well as soon as the camera was up and ready to go our little model was all smiles. I think they got a good picture.After the Santa visit we went out for breakfast - Sarah really enjoyed herself and was really excited about the candy cane she got.
That Saturday was the Whitby Santa Clause Parade - it was cold that day so we all had to bundle up. Grandma and Papa joined us on this cold day. My camera was acting up so I only got a couple of pictures.
Sarah seemed to enjoy the parade but wasn't that interested in the marching bands although she liked the music - what she always pointed out was all the cars that were in the parade. Our little Sarah does love her cars.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Christmas Tree Decorating
And Sarah found the perfect spot for the special truck decoration and just had to show Daddy.Putting decorations on the tree would not be complete without some dancing and we all know that Sarah loves to dance.
Here is Sarah beside the area of the tree she decorated - you can see that she is very pleased with the results - so are Mommy and Daddy.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Happy Birthday Aerilyn and Congratulations Gavin
Sarah was an invited guest to her first children's birthday party. Wes's cousin Tommy's little girl, Aerilyn turned four and had a princess birthday party. All the guests had to dress as princesses and Sarah was invited. We got her a blue princess dress, which she loved to put on and play in. I was actually worried that the dress wouldn't make the party. Once she had the dress on she usually broke out in a dance number and then ran around the house and climbed all over the couch.
Here is Sarah practice wearing of her princess dress - note the batting of the eyes.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy Halloween
Then Grandma took Sarah around the a couple of neighbours.
The last stop was Uncle Kevin and Auntie Heather's house. Sarah once again was spoiled with a huge loot bag which included a movie, socks, cars, cars book and of course smarties.
We also had to have a visit with Auntie Heather's neighbour who was all dressed up and had a special treat for Sarah - you guessed it - a large box of Smarties.
After a good nights sleep it was up and straight into checking out the Halloween loot.